Financial abuse is the act of controlling and restricting a person’s access to their own money. In some cases, it is forcing an individual to make financial decisions that are not in their best interest.
In another word, it’s a form of manipulation where others have access to your money. Financial abuse comes in various forms, they are;
No refund: This happens when someone borrows your money without reimbursement.
Dictatorship: This is a situation whereby your friend, family, or partner has total say on your money, that is, how you spend your money and also buy your necessary wants.
Accounting for money spent and also gotten from your business.
Someone taking loans in your name without your consent.
There are several ways financial abuse can affect and leave an indelible impact on a woman and her business. One of the major impacts of financial abuse is that it affects your business and sales, it affects your mental health, it cuts one-off training and learning (which ought to build your business) Therefore, the best way to overcome financial abuse is to tell someone you trust, be smart and assertive.