So, today we shall be discussing the last step of creating your Unique Selling Proposition. This last step combines the most important elements of the previous steps into a concise statement that embodies the value your company has to offer. Keep in mind that your USP essentially implies a promise or a pledge you are making to your customers.
The cake and confectionary organization, which we have been using as an example, may create a USP that says simply, “tasty to the last bite,” aimed toward their overwhelmed customers who are getting ready to celebrate a birthday party or a wedding ceremony that is fixed for multitude.
Once you have a working USP, it’s always a good idea to sleep on it, run it by others in your company, or even create a focus group or a test run with a few customers to measure the impact it has. It may take several tries, but once you hit the perfect USP, it can be an integral element of your marketing toolbox.