Hello ladies, it is good to have you here again. We really hope you have been implementing what we have been sharing here because we have something more exciting to share with you today.
It is not rocket science why some customers never seem to look out for other vendors. They always stick with one. Well it must be that the vendor is doing something right and one of those things is that she knows hoe to respond perfectly to client's requests.
As a vendor, customers need to know you are on their side when they contact you for your services.
Putting yourself in their shoes, will you buy from someone who does not at least try to consider you , your style and what you want?
A lot of times, sellers try to push customers to do things their way, not the way the customer wants it.
In this post, we have listed ways a seller can prove they are on the customers side to show their enthusiasm and commitment to helping customers through a buying process., According to the experts at Communication Briefings,these are ways you can respond to your customers.
1) Say 'I will find out' instead of 'I don't know'
2) Give a more definite response that gives a lot of creativity. More like 'i sure can' instead of 'i can'.
3) Say 'that's exactly what we need' instead of 'that'll work'
4) Say 'here's what I would do' instead of 'I can't'
Do tell us what you think. Would you be trying any of these?
Kindly tag someone who you think should see this post.
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