Hey ladies… we will be wrapping up on the series on Business growth strategies for increasing sales this season. Business growth strategies based on customizing sales effort according to individual customer buying histories can be very powerful. An individual customer’s buying history gives you insight into her preferences and attitudes and allows you to customise your sales and marketing efforts.
Think again about the example of the Skincare expert we gave on Monday. Because we (the customers) have a history of buying glow oil, it’s a safe bet we’re going to be interested in buying more. But it’s also a fairly safe bet that we would be very interested in buying other types of brightening skincare products such as soaps & cream . She would find it incredibly easy to sell us other skincare products off her – and here’s the best thing – we would be more likely to buy from her rather than any of the other seller. All she needs to do is customise her sales effort and direct those other glowing or brightening skin care products to us.
We all know that when you put something into the shopping cart on the Amazon site, for instance, on the resulting page you’ll see several other products listed under the title “Customers who bought _______ also bought”. Because the list is customized to that customer’s interest, the chance of a customer adding one of those products to the shopping cart too is high.
But you don’t need to have a website to successfully use this business growth strategy. All you need to do is search your individual customer’s buying histories and use the information to customize your sales appeals. Think “this customer has bought this and this. Therefore, she might also be interested in _______ and _______.” Then let the customer know about these other products, via social media or email.